July 23, 2022

What is the principle of laser hair removal? See three types of laser hair removal side effects at once, do not be injured by this.


With the advancement of technology today, the improvement of laser hair removal technology. Many men and women with more body hair are considering laser hair removal, hoping to permanently remove body hair and avoid the embarrassment of exposed body hair. However, laser hair removal is not perfect, and it still brings some side effects. This article will explain the principle of laser hair removal and point out three side effects of laser hair removal, hoping everyone can be prepared.

The principle of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal uses the principle of melanin absorption to achieve hair removal effects. During the process of laser hair removal, the light emitted by the laser is absorbed by the melanin in the hair, and the light energy is converted into heat, thereby destroying the hair follicle to inhibit or delay hair growth. It is precisely because of this principle that the color of the hair and skin can affect the effectiveness of laser hair removal, with better results for individuals with darker hair color and lighter skin color.

However, because hair growth and shedding occur in a natural cycle, laser hair removal will achieve the best results when performed on hair follicles in the growth stage, and conversely, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced for follicles that have completed growth or are already in the aging stage.

And although laser hair removal can effectively delay hair growth for a long time, in order to match the hair growth and shedding cycle, it is necessary to continue regular laser hair removal treatments and follow post-treatment care in order to effectively destroy hair follicles and reduce hair regrowth, achieving long-lasting hair removal results. Therefore, the entire laser hair removal treatment process takes a long time and may not necessarily be effective for life.

So, we’ve talked about the principles of laser hair removal, but before actually undergoing laser hair removal, everyone also needs to understand the side effects of laser hair removal.

Skin becomes dry and sensitive

1. Skin becomes dry and sensitive

The first side effect of laser hair removal is that after the treatment, the skin may temporarily become dry and sensitive, or may experience slight redness, itching, due to the impact of the laser on the skin, damaging the hair follicles while making the skin cells feel damaged and therefore become dry and sensitive.

But these symptoms are only temporary and usually disappear within a few hours. To alleviate discomfort, you can apply a moisturizing lotion after completing the treatment, or apply ice to reduce discomfort.

Due to increased skin sensitivity, it is recommended to wear long-sleeved sun protection clothing

2. Increase skin photosensitivity

The second side effect of laser hair removal is that the treatment makes the skin more sensitive to light, so it is important to avoid sun exposure or exposure to sunlamps for one to two weeks after the treatment, as it may cause melanin deposition and increase the risk of sunburn.

If you really want to expose your skin to sunlight after laser hair removal, it is best to use physical methods for sun protection, such as wearing long-sleeved sun-protective clothing, using umbrellas that can block ultraviolet rays, etc., to protect the skin. At the same time, avoid applying sunscreen with too many chemical elements to prevent skin sensitivity.

And you need to temporarily stop taking photosensitive drugs, such as vitamin A acid, antibiotics, or aspirin, as these drugs can increase the skin’s sensitivity to light. There is a chance of increased risk of skin allergies or burns during laser treatment.

Laser hair removal still carries risks.

3. Unexpected Risks

The third side effect of laser hair removal is that despite the advancement of technology and the improvement of laser hair removal techniques, there are still risks of accidents. Visiting non-compliant medical clinics, using non-compliant medical equipment, or simply medical accidents can potentially result in permanent scarring.

However, this article does not discourage everyone from undergoing laser hair removal, but rather hopes that everyone will have a full understanding before undergoing laser hair removal. You must find a qualified medical clinic and understand that they use standardized medical equipment before proceeding.

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