July 27, 2022

Save money and time! 5 simple DIY nail care methods

指甲 D.I.Y 保養

The weather is too hot, the high temperature has completely eliminated everyone’s motivation to go out and visit beauty salons and nail shops to look good and take photos. Everyone just wants to stay at home with the air conditioning on, avoiding the scorching sun. Instead of staying at home watching TV dramas, it’s better to make good use of me time, and properly use the holidays for DIY beauty care. In addition to applying face masks, exfoliating, and hair removal, nail care is also an essential maintenance procedure. Here are 5 nail protection methods that even beginners can easily handle at home, allowing you to achieve nail freedom from now on!  

指甲 D.I.Y 保養
Softens dead skin on hands with warm water

Why are the beauty experts on IG always flawless with their hands? In addition to beauty filters, they also put a lot of effort into skincare details, not neglecting even nail care. If you want to have the same smooth and flawless hands as internet celebrities, the first step in DIY hand care at home is to deal with dead skin on your hands. Soak your hands in warm water for 1 to 2 minutes, then gently massage away excess water with a soft warm towel, apply hand cream, exfoliate the dead skin, and then moisturize. Your skin will be softer and smoother.

指甲 D.I.Y 保養
Targeted scalp care

After dealing with the dead skin on the surface of your hands, the focus of care should be on the details of cuticle care. Cuticles are prone to dead skin buildup or peeling problems, commonly known as “hangnails,” which can affect the appearance. Regular use of cuticle oil can help moisturize dry cuticles, improve dead skin, and peeling conditions. In addition, you can also use a sharp cuticle tool to clean the nail bed and cuticle gaps. However, as a DIY nail art beginner, you must pay attention to the disinfection process before using tools to reduce the chance of bacterial or fungal infection when experiencing redness.

指甲 D.I.Y 保養
Trim your nails regularly.

For those of you who often go to nail salons and do professional manicures, because you often come into contact with chemicals, your nails are generally more fragile. For those of you who have decided to do D.I.Y manicures at home in the future, be sure to trim your nails regularly to avoid brittle nails breaking due to excessive length. Immediately trim or use a file to smooth out any damaged or cracked nail edges, reducing the risk of further breakage at weak points in the nails.

指甲 D.I.Y 保養
Wear skincare gloves

For the convenience of everyone, there are many moisturizing hand masks on the market that allow you to wear skincare gloves during sleep for targeted repair. In addition to specialized hand masks, regular household gloves are also one of the essential tools for beautiful hands and nails. Household cleaning agents generally contain more chemicals, which can cause certain damage to the skin and nails. It is recommended to wear gloves to protect your hands when washing dishes, cleaning, gardening, or moving heavy objects.

Take vitamin B

Eating a healthy diet is also effective wisdom for nail care. If you want strong, healthy, and shiny nails, consider consuming more foods rich in vitamin B in your daily diet, including whole grains, fish, eggs, poultry, legumes, and yeast. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12 in these foods help the body produce red blood cells and antibodies, maintaining nail health, promoting faster and stronger nail growth, and improving brittle nail issues.

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