1月 2, 2024

从Super Girls成员到画家:Aka C个人作品展「Wonders Phantasm」,细说人与动物的关系


前超级女孩成员Aka C(赵慧珊),毕业于香港理工大学平面设计副学士,喜爱创作的她,近年投放更多时间到针笔绘画上,更不时都在IG上分享自己的作品,表达心中所想。而她的个人画展”Wonders Phantasm”将于今年1月在海港城美术馆展出,通过密密麻麻的笔触和整齐的排线,带领观众进入一个充满想象力的世界。

Aka C 擅长的针笔创作,有别于传统的绘画方式。因为针笔笔头细致至 0.03 毫米幼,她需要一笔一点画上画布,从笔墨的布局表现出不同层次和阴影,带出作品的张力。在绘画的过程中,更需要高度专注及有无比的耐性去勾画每个细节。

This art exhibition takes the relationship between humans and animals as its theme. Aka C hopes to use the animals and spirits in the paintings to stimulate reflection on the boundaries of reality, and to explore the infinite possibilities of human imagination and philosophy. In each artwork, you can find different kinds of animals, including seahorses, swans, whales, sloths, owls, and more. Each piece contains a hidden story.

Aka C个人作品展「Wonders Phantasm」
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