8月 10, 2023

艺术与咖啡交融!agnès b. x 陈泽雷,探索咖啡无限想像

agnès b. x 陳澤雷

agnès b. 上个月举办了首届「agnès b. 咖啡节」,除了介绍全新的咖啡餐饮,还举办了艺术和可持续发展工作坊,旨在拓宽大众对咖啡、艺术和环保的理解和融合。来到八月,品牌邀请了香港艺术家陈泽雷(Max Chan)合作举办「agnès b. x 陈泽雷「By Blueprint 蓝图图片羽.艺术展」。

agnès b. x 陳澤雷
agnès b. x 陳澤雷

This exhibition showcases a series of artworks inspired by flowers and the sentiment of Hong Kong, using coffee and sustainable blue sun art as the creative medium. It presents the multiple charms and imagination of coffee. The exhibition also features outstanding works by participants of the art workshop held during the coffee festival, enriching the exhibition and promoting the concept of sustainable development.


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