12月 19, 2023

Atsuro Tayama与法国画家Raoul Dufy跨代联乘,将风景名画带入衣橱


Born in the late 19th century and active in the early 20th century, the famous French painter Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) was skilled in landscape and still life painting. His works exaggerated and transformed objects using simple lines and vibrant colors, creating a decorative effect. Recently, Japanese fashion designer Atsuro Tayama collaborated across generations with this master artist, combining his famous landscape paintings with fashion to create the limited edition Atsuro Tayama X Raoul Dufy collaboration series for this season.

热爱自然花卉的Atsuro Tayama挑选了四幅Raoul Dufy关于花卉与风景的作品,设计出今季的联乘限定系列,为表达对艺术大师的尊敬,他刻意不将画作随意分割,而是将四幅名画完整地放大于衬衫、卫衣和半截裙上。

由于Atsuro Tayama认为:“画是活于画框里面”,于是利用“软前卫风”常见的创作技法,如折叠与蕾丝边装饰营造画框的感觉,让服装上的画作赋予生命力,将名画色彩的诗意情怀巧妙融入软前卫风格,充分展现品牌柔中带刚、从容不迫的优雅。

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