6月 30, 2020

日本 Lawson 推出「文学塑料袋」!让你走到哪、读到哪!

一个用 $0.5 买回来的购物袋,对消费者而言只有置物作用,对商家而言则是宣传媒界。究竟除了收纳与广告之外,购物袋还可以有什么用途?

最近重新品牌的日本 Lawson 旗下的 Natural Lawson,与拍卖网站 mercari 合作,推出了一系列文学风格的购物袋。


These “literary plastic bags” are now available at 138 Natural Lawson stores throughout Japan, with a daily limit of 100 bags per store. If you didn’t have the chance to get such a literary plastic bag, you can also visit the Mercari website to read the works of the masters!

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