6月 19, 2020

Florentijn Hofman 新作!巨型狐狸現身荷蘭!

Do you remember the yellow rubber duck that once swam in Victoria Harbour? The father of this rubber duck that brought us beautiful memories, Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, has just released his latest work! Also themed around giant animals, but this time the animal is “swimming on the water and walking into the city”!

Florentijn Hofman的新作名为“Bospolder Fox”,是一只总长16米的巨型狐狸,造型可爱讨喜,如今正身在荷兰南边的城市Rotterdam,成为当地最矚目、最新的艺术潮圣点!

这只“误入都市”的“Bospolder Fox”,最特别的地方是牠其实是叼着一个塑料袋,Florentijn Hofman 希望借着这一点,带出都市与大自然之间的冲突。究竟狐狸口中的塑料袋从何而来,Florentijn Hofman 没有作详细的补充,反而希望大家思考多种的可能性,反思人类与大自然的失衡问题。

以可爱的动物造型,带来话题性装置,Florentijn Hofman 继 Rubber Duck 之后,再以迷失都市的狐狸,引发话题。希望大家有机会打卡这只 “Bospolder Fox” 之外,也不忘 Florentijn Hofman 的初心,反思人与大自然关系!

圖片來源:Studio Florentijn Hofman

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