9月 20, 2023

時尚公關的藝術之路!專訪插畫家Felix Chan

Felix Chan

香港的生活节奏很快,虽然多任务是常态,但要同时担任多重角色,投入自己的兴趣甚至追求梦想确实不容易。Felix Chan既是时尚品牌公关和经理人,同时也是一位自学成才的插画家,对艺术创作有着独特的体会。

自幼便对艺术拥有浓厚兴趣的Felix,特别钟情于表演、戏剧和讽刺画,他于小时候便开始通过作品记录和描绘对表演和戏剧艺术的热爱,作为礼物送给表演者。Felix Chan 曾于香港举办过两次展览,展示夕阳工业的精湛工艺,亦曾获邀在苹果香港旗舰店的「Today at Apple」上发表主题演讲,分享他对绘画和戏剧的见解。

Felix Chan

This personal exhibition, held at Soho House in Sheung Wan, was co-curated by Felix and the contemporary artist management company Mi-Tony Creative Inc. It presents a series of works related to drama and creates a theatrical journey for visitors through specially designed thematic scenes.


  • 微型艺术展庆中文大学60周年,重现校内知名地标
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  • Felix Chan

    Felix的一系列作品均透过简洁的线条作表达,呈现每位表演者在特定角色中的复杂情感、表情和性格,而作品中不乏对服装、布景细节的精巧捕捉。令人期待的作品包括手绘Benedict Cumberbatch和Eddie Redmayne、电子绘作Actors In Drag系列,现场亦有Felix绘画John Partridge与Bob Fosse的展览限定T恤。


    Felix Chan


    Felix Chan:我自小就对绘画很感兴趣,想要把剧、电视和卡通片中看到的画出来。画画是我从小到大都充满热情的事情。


    Felix Chan:When I was studying in Hong Kong, I felt that it was more of a “cramming” style of education. But after coming to the UK and getting to know the world of theater, I realized that there is a huge space for imagination and that anything is possible as long as you can imagine it. This is a very special and powerful feeling for me because it makes me believe that I can achieve anything. Additionally, I want to do more painting and theater because watching plays from a young age has taught me a lot. For example, watching musicals as a child helped me learn English, and as I grew up, I gained different life lessons. When I draw the characters from the plays, it’s like writing them a “Love Letter” and paying tribute to them. I am grateful for their dedication to giving 100% of themselves on stage every day.

    Felix Chan


    Felix Chan:其实没有什么影响,就是因为我有一份正职,所以没有顾虑到底要画些什么才能赚钱,更能绘画自己喜欢的东西。但时间管理上是一个很大的议题,一定要确保有画画的时间,我并非一个坐下来就可以绘画的人,而是要看剧、看电影才能进入作画的 Mood,所以时间控制是最重要的。


    Felix Chan:我想要表达的是我非常喜欢舞台,因此我也花了很长时间,从《歌声魅影》和《天使在美国》这两部剧中获得灵感,打造了这个巨大的剧场框架,希望观赏者一进场就能立刻感受到这次展览与戏剧有关。

    In addition, I also want to tell others that having a full-time job does not mean you cannot pursue what you want to do or chase your dreams. It doesn’t have to be drawing or art, it can be going to the gym to exercise your muscles, or swimming, horseback riding, skiing. I believe that no one should give up on what they pursue for the sake of their livelihood. The message I want to convey is that no matter how your daily work is, you can still do what you want to do. As long as you want to do something, you will find ways to make it happen.

    Felix 绘画 Joey Ma 的手稿


    Felix Chan:我最喜欢的是一幅画了Joey Ma的作品,是我首次展示手稿,所以对我来说很特别。Joey Ma是香港KOL及Stylist,他是我从英国回来后第一个认识的人,我觉得他完全能够无妥协地做自己,让我觉得在香港这个如此局促、有框架的地方,也可以无恐惧地做自己,这很能激发我继续去画画。


    Felix Chan:我在行內不久,不能說自己是一個畫家,但在個娛樂圈、藝術圈之中周旋了一段時間,我覺得創作很難是因為市場很細,香港人的接受能力比較低,還有在香港做藝術真的需要不少錢,我也有幫一些香港的設計師做 PR,其實很多香港的觀眾口說支持,實質要「課金」的時候會卻步,這是一個香港很大的問題。我對在香港全心全力、100% 做創作的人真的很 respect,因為真是一件很艱難的事。

    Felix Chan

    地址:上环德辅道西33号地下Soho House

    Text : Ava Chan
    Interview : Mimi Kong

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