6月 8, 2023

用勇气独闯艺术与人生之路,摆脱“毕加索旧情人”标签!法国传奇画家Françoise Gilot

Françoise Gilot picasso

法国著名画家Françoise Gilot于本周二6月6日在曼哈顿逝世,享年101岁。Françoise Gilot最广为人知的是她与艺术大师毕加索长达十年的恋情,二人对彼此的艺术创作影响极深,而她的才华和创作也赢得了广泛赞誉和认可。后期,她长期居住在美国纽约市,在那里她没有停止过展示自己的作品,让其艺术事业取得了很大的成功。

Gilot was born on November 26, 1921, in a wealthy family in the suburbs of Paris, on the banks of the Seine River. Her mother had studied art history, ceramics, and watercolor painting, so she was attracted to art from a young age. Gilot grew up in Paris and attended the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the British Institute in Paris, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. She also obtained a degree in English Literature from the University of Cambridge. During 1939, her father still hoped that she would pursue a degree in international law, but she knew that her heart was in art.






可惜最后,Gilot 还是忍受不了畢加索的风流多情,决定结束这段关系,并开始专注于自己的绘画事业。畢加索才华洋溢,过往的情人关系中,一直都是他离开那些女子,而 Gilot 却是唯一一个主动离开他的女子。后来,Gilot 在 1964 年出版了一本回忆录《畢加索的生活》(Life with Picasso),公开自己与他的相处点滴。但此举彻底激怒了畢加索,以至于他断绝了与 Gilot 及其两个孩子 Claude Picasso 和 Paloma Picasso 的所有联系。


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