August 15, 2023

Abstract art explores the multiple facets of human nature! The new works of American artists father and son, Peter Opheim and Ogden Opheim, make their debut in Hong Kong for the first time.

Summer Adventures

The complexity and diversity of human nature, how should it be defined? Perhaps it is like abstract art, not limited by physical form, but when imagery and colors are infused, you will discover a richer meaning beyond appearances. American artists father and son, Peter Opheim and Ogden Opheim, who have always delved deep into the multiple facets of human worth through their works, recently brought the “Summer Adventures” exhibition to SENS Gallery.

Summer Adventures

Peter Opheim, whose artistic career began with abstract art, has held solo exhibitions at various locations around the world, including PAHO Gallery in Yokohama, Hongye Gallery in Taipei, Cohle Gallery in Paris, and D’Stassi Gallery in London. The majority of the works in the “Summer Adventures” exhibition showcase his fantastical and diverse creatures, both in ceramic sculptures and paintings, portraying complex psychological forms through anthropomorphism. These works not only present imaginative and playful elements, but also delve into the emotional world of adults.

Summer Adventures
Summer Adventures

As for Ogden Opheim, who founded the Boxhead World brand in 2020, he uses a square-headed avatar as the brand image. The symbols of “humanity” are represented by two eyes and teeth, while “robots” are represented by several rectangles, exploring the symbolism of modern dichotomy through both. The different landscapes and digital media around him are the sources of inspiration for Ogden’s creations, such as the cities and nature he has lived in, as well as the concrete and abstract philosophy, art, and design he has encountered.

Further reading:

  • Indoor Summer Island! Landmark brings immersive digital artwork by Tokyo artist YOSHIROTTEN
  • Roaring 903 Urgent Child Curatorship! PMQ’s latest joint exhibition brings together the works of 22 artists “here”!
  • Step into London artist Hattie Stewart’s doodle world, with her iconic works landing in Admiralty!
  • Summer Adventures

    Art is both a way to express one’s ideas and a means to interpret and connect with the outside world. Through the “Summer Adventures” exhibition, which showcases the latest sculptures and paintings that make their debut in Hong Kong, one can delve into the creative concepts of these two artists. Peter Opheim’s works reflect the intimate relationships between people in modern society, while also allowing viewers to interpret and understand them in their own way. On the other hand, Ogden Opheim’s box-like figures merge humans and machines, transcending the limitations of knowledge, and reflecting the independence and autonomy of both the artist and the audience.

    Summer Adventures
    “Andreas and Kasper with Friends”

    The works of both artists showcase values such as care, concern, and unity in human nature, prompting the public to reflect on humanity. Although their interpretations may differ, they share a similar focus on the value of human nature. It is worth mentioning that in this exhibition, you can find a fusion of Peter’s peculiar and abstract creatures with Ogden’s iconic square box robots. Everyone is encouraged to appreciate them attentively.

    Summer Adventures
    “The Surprise of the Butterfly”

    “Embark on a Summer Adventure”
    Date: From now until September 9th
    Location: Room 08, 19th floor, Landmark South, 39 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, SENS Gallery

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