July 15, 2020

Depicting Life Under the Pandemic Through Art! Contemporary by Angela Li Gallery Holds “Easy Days” Exhibition!

Life under the epidemic has unknowingly exceeded half a year. Everyone has faced the anxiety of shortages of epidemic prevention materials. Both office workers and students have experienced days of working from home and school closures. Ordering takeout to replace dining out, finding various Stay Home programs to pass the time, has become our daily routine during the epidemic. To comfort a heart that longs to travel, we appreciate the scenery from around the world online, visit online exhibitions and famous sites, allowing our eyes to travel first. A pandemic has brought us to a completely different living situation and sudden changes. In order to explore the situation and mindset, Contemporary by Angela Li Gallery held the “Easy Days” exhibition, inviting 11 local artists to respond to the changes in life under the epidemic.

The “Easy Day” exhibition curated by Leung Siu-kei features artists including Chen Huili, Choy Kam-ming, Fung Kuen-suet, Hung Keung, Lau Chiu-chung, Lung Yuet-ching, Siu Wai-hang, Tse Chun-sing, Tam Chung-man, Tang Wing-hong, Dong Wing-hong, and Wong Pak-hang. Through diverse and innovative techniques, they present a rich variety of works including video, photography, painting, ceramics, kinetic installations, and new media. These works not only document life during the pandemic, but also lead viewers to reexamine and contemplate from an artistic perspective.

An epidemic has sparked a “hiking fever”. Every weekend or holiday, many hiking hotspots are crowded with people, and a small hill near artist Lau Siu Chung’s studio, Mount Johnston, is also packed with people. This phenomenon has become the subject of his oil painting “Hiking Fever”.


Through his work “Trinity”, Tam Chung Man turns “masks” into a religious symbol, seeking spiritual comfort from danger. He paints masks with three layers of thin silk, revealing a sense of ritual of faith and suffering.


Wong Pak Hang uses the video installation “Boring Contemporary Life” to capture people’s thoughts and life segments during the epidemic, presenting the stream of consciousness in five small screens, depicting a sense of helplessness.


Hsieh Chun-sheng transformed a spring scale into a clock, reflecting on the relationship between “time” and “weight,” bringing about the three-dimensional work “What is the weight now?” This unique “spring scale clock” attempts to compare the “weight” of time between the present and the past, measuring a conceptual shift.


Dong Yongkang’s installation “Lost in Uselessness” uses an old suitcase crawling on the ground to symbolize the wandering trajectory of life.


“Easy Day” Exhibition:
Date: Now until August 8th
Location: 248 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, Contemporary by Angela Li Gallery
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am to 6:30 pm/Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed

Image source: Contemporary by Angela Li

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