2月 29, 2024

Max Mara 2024 秋冬系列:描绘法国传奇作家 Colette 笔触下的角色

Max Mara 2024 秋冬系列以《THE INNER LIFE》为主题,法国文坛传奇女作家柯莱特 (Colette) 为灵感,通过服装呈现她笔触描绘下的角色人物,由英俊潇洒的反派,到散发优雅风情的女性,结合时尚、简约,而又令人回味无穷的设计,再次展示出 Max Mara 的摩登都会女性魅力!

This event creates an extremely minimalist all-white space, perfectly echoing the inspiration of fashion ladies from the good old days strolling in the forest in black and white photos. The opening is a series of black outfits, intertwined with harmonious navy blue, smoke gray, camel, and more. Never absent is the brand’s iconic piece, the coat, which this season is inspired by the Japanese aesthetic with cocoon-shaped silhouettes, paired with wide kimono sleeves, or hanging loosely at the back like a pilot jacket, crafted with dense wool and fluffy double-faced camel velvet and camel hair fabrics, bringing a refreshing new structure! Embellished with knit and felting techniques, cleverly highlighting the lightweight texture of these exquisite coats between coats and cardigans.

除了中性造型,干练俐落的大衣、气质威严的军官大衣、厚呢短大衣,以及硬朗西服上装,Max Mara也刻意从细节上增添女性韵味,以夸张的针织褶皱设计在腰部收紧,并饰有一条窄腰带,与和服腰带颇有异曲同工之妙,却同时突显出女性的优雅线条。

此外,轻柔起伏的多层荷叶边为绒面呢半身裙和束腰连身裙也带来焕然一新的柔美气息,飘逸睡衣和宽松睡袍采用法兰绒或柔软的深蓝色天鹅绒制成,裙上的黑色和蓝色水晶增添了熠熠生辉的光彩。Max Mara 女性总是带着些许美好年代的优雅风情和雅俗共赏的动人魅力,同时亦能一窥自己内心深处的性感风采!

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