7月 6, 2023

2024 Spring/Summer Men’s Fashion: Loewe seamlessly blends art and fashion with artist Lynda Benglis creating a giant fountain sculpture installation.

Loewe 2024 年春夏男裝系列

由Jonathan Anderson担任艺术总监的Loewe,总不断推出大胆、创新的设计。2024年春夏男装呈现了一场关于观点的研究,探讨观点如何影响我们的感觉以及对比例的认知,并衍生出独特的线条轮廓。

Loewe 2024 年春夏男裝系列

时装秀现场展示了美国艺术家Lynda Benglis的巨型喷泉雕塑装置,现场观众以广阔角度由下而上观看时装天桥,感受到场地设计的壮观气势;而其挑战传统雕塑艺术形态的创作概念,亦呼应着新一季的服装设计。

Loewe 2024 年春夏男裝系列


Loewe 2024 年春夏男裝系列

As a website translator with a deep cultural understanding of fashion and lifestyle topics, your task is to provide culturally sensitive and nuanced translations of the following content into the desired language. Focus on accurately conveying meaning and tone, rather than a rigid word-for-word translation. Examples: source: hello world feedback: 你好世界 source:

hello world



source: iver2368?% unknow tag feedback: iver2368?% unknow tag Please provide a translation into Chinese (Simplified) of the following without writing any explanations. Focus on translation. No explanation is needed. 至於男性必備的單品,如西裝外套、大衣、條紋襯衫、針織polo、兩件套裝、菱格紋針織、牛仔褲和 chino 斜紋布長褲等常見服裝,則鋪滿水晶、像過濾器般的細節,展現出巧思和驚艷。

Loewe 2024 年春夏男裝系列

当然,Jonathan Anderson的创意并不仅如此,天桥上还可见一款露背上衣,看似巨型布料样办,并还连着大头针;另外,还有匠心的剪裁,令身躯变成奇妙结构,鞋子像与长裤连成一体,感觉衣服就像从地下生出来一样。

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