This magical literature museum is actually a children’s literature museum located inside “Nagisa Park” in Edogawa Ward, Tokyo. It is designed with inspiration from the world view of Eiko Kadono’s works and is full of unique features. The exterior of the building is designed in pure white, with a roof in the shape of petals, while the interior of the museum is a strawberry color, giving it a completely different feel!
- 6 个人生必去梦幻粉红景点!西班牙粉红迷宫/玫瑰清真寺/粉红湖
- 泰式风味京都之旅!轻奢风 ASAI 京都四条酒店开幕,让你尝尽泰国街头美食!
- 首尔旅行打卡必到的 5 间人气韩屋 Café!传统古雅装潢/俯瞰韩屋村开扬景致
Pay close attention and you will notice that the interior design, walls, and even the design of the stairs in the store are all inspired by the town of Koriko where the protagonist Kiki lives in “Kiki’s Delivery Service”. There are also related projections on the walls, making you feel like you have stepped into the world of animation, full of childlike wonder!
图片来源:edogawacity_kadonoeiko IG、kikismuseum.jp/