6月 9, 2023


Palace Hotel Tokyo


Palace Hotel Tokyo

Palace Hotel Tokyo

从Palace Hotel Tokyo的酒店的装潢、摆设之中不难发现呼应着自然的细节,例如有灵感源自苔藓侘寂、人手制作绒毛地毯,甚至是皇居外苑之中的艺术品,均融入了自然的元素。

Palace Hotel Tokyo

This “Sustainable Tokyo” accommodation plan also incorporates local environmental elements and excursions. The guest rooms are equipped with bath products from the brand Kruhi, which is certified by the European environmental standard Grøn Salon. The mini bar in the room offers organic sparkling wine, preservative-free juice, free coffee and tea that adhere to fair trade principles. The breakfast is prepared with sustainably sourced ingredients and alternates between Western-style breakfast and Japanese bento breakfast. Vegan and vegetarian breakfast options are also available.

Palace Hotel Tokyo

Palace Hotel Tokyo

日本的和食文化被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产,而在 Palace Hotel Tokyo 的日式餐厅 Wadakur 中就可以体验到这种通过采集、制作和使用可持续的天然食材来尊重大自然的烹饪方式。多款时令菜式均使用当地有机农产品,呼应和食理念。

Palace Hotel Tokyo

如果您想要享受一次放松身心的水疗护理,您可以在酒店的evian SPA TOKYO体验定制的75分钟身体护理疗程。这些护理产品采用了日本制造的天然原料,让您的身心融入大自然之中。此外,您还可以选择额外付费参加为期2小时的金繼(kintsugi)艺术之旅活动,或者在私人导游的带领下,在风景如画的丸之内区和皇居外苑周边慢跑两小时和骑自行车三小时,或者沿隅田川划皮划艇游览90分钟。

Palace Hotel Tokyo

As for art enthusiasts, they can participate in the hotel’s art and architecture tour, which is a four-hour activity that introduces the world-renowned architect Kengo Kuma, who won the “Global Sustainable Architecture Award” in 2016, as well as Shinji Ohmaki, who designed the famous art installation “Resonance – Crystal Project” for Palace Hotel Tokyo, allowing the endangered Japanese flowers to bloom eternally, and experiencing sustainable beauty through art.

Palace Hotel Tokyo

日期:即日起至 2024 年 5 月 31 日
价格:371,000 日元起
地址:100-0005 日本东京千代田区丸之内 1-1-1

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