才刚开卖就惹官非!Hailey Bieber 个人护肤品牌 Rhode 被告侵权
当市场焦点都落在这个星级美妆新贵之上时,Rhode 却以官非新闻登上新闻,时尚品牌 Rhode 向 Hailey 的品牌 Rhode 就商标侵权而告上法庭。
当市场焦点都落在这个星级美妆新贵之上时,Rhode 却以官非新闻登上新闻,时尚品牌 Rhode 向 Hailey 的品牌 Rhode 就商标侵权而告上法庭。
2022年第二季全球美妆迷引颈以待的新力军,当然就是超模Hailey Bieber主理的个人品牌Rhode。等了又等,Hailey最近终于在IG发文预告Rhode即将于6月上市!
Demna Gvasalia has always liked to use models and amateurs in advertisements, but recently seems to be breaking the norm. First, he chose to use virtual game characters to showcase the collection for the autumn and winter season; now, inviting celebrities to appear in image advertisements has become a hot topic in the fashion industry.