3月 13, 2023

奥斯卡 2023 得奖名单总整理!杨紫琼大热封后、《奇异女侠》狂扫 7 奖,台上焦点逐个看!

奧斯卡 2023

第 95 届奥斯卡颁奖典礼完满落幕,今年赛事选址在加州洛杉矶杜比剧院举行,会场一改过往传统,以亮丽的香槟色取代经典的红地毯,为现场带来一股全新气象。劳力士连续第七年赞助奥斯卡颁奖典礼,除了为休息区域Greenroom开发独特的沉浸式体验和全新装饰外,亦将赛事在全球200多个地区进行现场直播,让全球戏迷能一起欣赏此等盛事!

This year’s award ceremony focused on the 11 nominations of “Wonder Woman Saves the Universe”, and this work ultimately lived up to expectations by sweeping 7 major awards, creating a chapter in Oscar history. In addition, Yang Ziqiong, who won the Best Actress award in a hot manner, and Brendan Fraser, who won the Best Actor award for his portrayal of a 600-pound gay father in “Whale”, also became the highlights of this year’s event amidst thunderous applause.

“Wonder Woman Saves the Universe” swept 7 awards, including “Best Picture,” “Best Director,” “Best Actress,” “Best Supporting Actress,” “Best Supporting Actor,” “Best Original Screenplay,” and “Best Editing.” Being the big winner on the award stage this year is definitely attributed to the film’s exciting storyline, the passionate performances of the actors, and the all-around coordination of the behind-the-scenes staff.

The story revolves around the concept of a multiverse, and the main characters constantly travel through different universes. The plot is not only free from confusion, but also fast-paced, with no dull moments throughout the two-hour film. In addition, the movie combines elements of science fiction, thriller, horror, suspense, action, romance, family, comedy, and philosophy, taking the original science fiction genre to a whole new level. Its current success is well-deserved.

而最值得关注的,当然是出演这部戏中母亲「秀莲」一角的杨紫琼。作为首位登上影后宝座的亚裔女演员,现年60岁的杨紫琼凭借出色演技与好身手演活角色。她成功击败了呼声同样很高的荷里活巨星Cate Blanchett,刷新奥斯卡舞台上的历史,成为首位以动作片获奖的影后,背后意义非凡,亦让这位新鲜出炉的「亚裔影后」成了全球话题女星!



此外,现年54岁的班顿·费沙(Brendan Fraser)以《鲸》一戏勇夺奥斯卡影帝,当宣布获奖结果时,全场站立为他献上掌声,费沙亦热泪盈眶,表现激动。费沙之前曾因遭受性骚扰以及拍戏伤患影响而陷入事业低潮,今次回归影坛,他表现出相当专业的演员操守。除了为戏增胖外,每次拍摄更需花上6小时化妆,并穿上过300磅的「大肥佬」服装,少点耐力与演技也难以出演角色,因此由他登上影帝宝座,亦符合一众戏迷心水。

2023 年奥斯卡提名与得奖名单:
最佳女主角: 杨紫琼 《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳男主角: 班顿费沙《鲸》
最佳男配角: 关继威《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳女配角 :珍美李寇蒂丝《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳动画: 《吉拿域戴拖路之皮诺丘》
最佳国际电影: 《西线无战事》(德国)
最佳导演: Daniel Scheinert 和 Daniel Kwan《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳剪辑: 《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳原创歌曲: 《Naatu Naatu》《革命双雄》
最佳音效: 《壮志凌云:独行侠》
最佳改编剧本: 《Women Talking》
最佳原创剧本: 《奇异女侠玩救宇宙》
最佳视觉效果: 《阿凡达:水之道》
最佳配乐: 《西线无战事》
最佳美术指导: 《西线无战事》
最佳动画短片: 《The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse》
最佳纪录短片: 《小象守护者》
最佳服装设计 :《黑豹 2:瓦于达万岁》
最佳化妆及发型设计 :《鲸》
最佳摄影: 《西线无战事》
最佳纪录长片: 《Navalny》
最佳实景短片: 《An Irish Goodbye》

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