November 4, 2020

Peek behind the scenes of Ziggy Stardust, the secret behind David Bowie’s character in the movie “Stardust” will be released this month.

“He lives in his emotions, his daily life is like a performance, this is the most dramatic thing I have ever seen in my life.”

A movie titled “Stardust,” which will feature the legendary rock star David Bowie as the main character, is set to be released soon. The official trailer was recently released. Starring British actor Johnny Flynn, the story will depict David Bowie’s rise to fame as he travels to the United States at the age of 24 to create his own path. As the name suggests, the movie, titled “Stardust,” signifies that the story will reveal how this superstar resisted various challenges and wrote a new chapter that belongs only to “Ziggy Stardust” in contemporary society and pop culture.  

At the age of 18, officially changed his name to David Bowie, this shy boy from Brixton, London, was determined to make a name for himself, but unfortunately, everything did not go smoothly. At the age of 20, he released his first album “David Bowie”, only to receive ridicule and criticism. So he decided to take a break from music and search for a new path in life. The above words can be considered a turning point in David Bowie’s life. During the two years of pause, he fell in love with dance and mime, learning to feel his true self. These words were a summary of the past two years spent with his mime instructor, laying the foundation for this contemporary rock artist’s future development in the music industry and pop culture.

“The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” is undoubtedly one of the most influential albums in music history, with its androgynous image causing a huge impact on society and popular culture at the time, and even establishing a solid foundation for David Bowie’s career development. David Bowie was famous for his unique voice and his impactful, ever-changing image, but how many people have tried to understand the person behind the fame? He once said that he dared to shine on stage because he found a new identity to give himself. What kind of person was he behind the scenes?

The upcoming “Stardust” is based on the shy boy as the starting point, telling the subtle relationship between David Bowie and David Jones (David Bowie’s real name). The film will premiere online at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival on November 25th, so music fans should not miss it.

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