5月 7, 2024

布鲁克林·贝克汉姆单独走红毯!佩戴爵士Polo 79手表亮相2024年梅特加拉盛会


一年一度的 Met Gala 諸神之戰,今年主題「The Garden of Time 時光花園」的詩意本質以及與實踐流逝的聯繫,各路名人無論服裝還是腕錶選擇都相當講究。Brooklyn Beckham 當天佩戴伯爵 Polo 79 黃金復古腕錶,Old Money風格十足,潚灑時尚優雅並存。

那个充满希望恣肆不羁的 1979 年,诞生之初便是传奇的经典之作,在 PIAGET 迎来的 150 周年之际,限量以伯爵 Polo 79 腕表之名焕新重生,延续不羁传奇。18k 黄金搭载仅仅 2 毫米超薄自动机芯,一种攝人心魂的美,极具收藏价值!

On the other hand, Matt Damon showcased another classic from PIAGET – the Andy Warhol Watch. This watch, inspired by the hard-colored gemstones of the 1960s, demonstrates a deep fusion of the brand with art. The exquisite gemstone-set cushion design not only received acclaim at the Paris exhibition back then but also became the favorite choice of the artist Andy Warhol. Damon’s choice to wear this not only pays tribute to retro art but also highlights his personal intellect and understated charm. 另一方面,马特·达蒙展示了 PIAGET 伯爵的另一款经典—Andy Warhol 手表。这款手表灵感来自于六十年代的硬色宝石,展示了品牌与艺术的深度融合。精美的宝石镶嵌枕形设计不仅在当年的巴黎展览中备受赞誉,也成为艺术家安迪·沃霍尔的最爱。达蒙选择佩戴这款手表,不仅是对复古艺术的致敬,更突显了他个人的智慧和内敛魅力。

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