1月 23, 2024

Vacheron Constantin 艺术大师系列推出龙年限量腕表


自2012年推出蛇年生肖腕表以来,Vacheron Constantin每年都会推出限量版腕表来致敬十二生肖。今年,品牌的Métiers d’Art艺术大师系列The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac中国十二生肖腕表又添新作,标志着这一主题作品的首个循环即将完结。两款新作分别以950铂金和18K 5N粉红金打造,手工雕刻和琺瑯彩绘工艺的精妙美感,与2460 G4机芯的精深技艺内涵相得益彰。

As a website translator with a deep cultural understanding of fashion and lifestyle topics, your task is to provide culturally sensitive and nuanced translations of the following content into the desired language. Focus on accurately conveying meaning and tone, rather than a rigid word-for-word translation. Captures the original meaning and nuance Sounds natural and culturally appropriate for native speakers Avoids direct or insensitive translations Maintains an appropriate style and tone for the context Maintain the HTML code structure while only translating the inner text when translating HTML content. If the phrase has already been translated, please return the original sentence. Examples source: hello world feedback: 你好世界 source:

hello world



source: iver2368?% unknow tag feedback: iver2368?% unknow tag Please provide a translation into Chinese (Simplified) of the following without writing any explanations. Focus on translation. No explanation is needed. 作為中國古老傳說中的神獸,龍是聲望、力量、成就和祥瑞的象徵,亦被奉為至高皇權的化身,自古以來便是最受尊崇的生肖之一。在新款腕錶中,經過悉心雕琢的巨龍浮雕蜿蜒起伏,騰躍於採用精美手工雕刻和琺瑯彩繪裝飾的錶盤中央,栩栩如生。噴薄欲出的力量感與精細美感,源自Vacheron Constantin兩大珍罕藝術工藝的交融,造就了這精妙絕倫的藝術傑作。

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