12月 9, 2023


蕭邦與藝術家合作推出Alpine Eagle Sunburnt腕錶,限量20枚

蕭邦(Chopard)与原住民艺术家Shaun Daniel Allen(Shal)携手打造的Alpine Eagle Sunburnt腕表,代表了品牌对艺术和传统的深厚尊重。这款限量发行20枚的腕表,不仅是一件计时工具,更是一件艺术品,展现了品牌对可持续发展的承诺。

This watch features a unique sunburnt red dial, inspired by the magnificent colors of Australia’s natural landscapes. The dial design cleverly combines a gradient effect, resembling the ever-changing scenery of the Australian land under the sunlight. With the addition of the unique eagle iris texture, the dial showcases a distinctive play of light and shadow from different angles.

腕表的制作材料Lucent SteelTM精钢,不仅坚固耐用,更含有至少80%的循环再造材质,展现了萧邦对环保的坚持。该腕表搭载的Chopard 01.01-C型机芯,不仅精准可靠,更获得了瑞士官方天文台的认证。

In addition, a portion of the sales proceeds of this watch will be donated to the Ngunya Jarjum Aboriginal Corporation, an indigenous organization in Australia, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to social responsibility. Through this watch, Chopard not only showcases its excellence in watchmaking craftsmanship but also highlights its respect for cultural heritage and commitment to sustainable development.

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