11月 24, 2023

Swatch与Sam Pilgrim合作推出「Sam meets Swatch」影片系列

SWATCH 與山姆· 皮爾格里姆在全新影片系列中,向其知名好友展現分享 即關心的理念

Swatch与山地自行车传奇人物山姆·皮尔格里姆(Sam Pilgrim)联手打造了全新的影片系列「Sam meets Swatch」,在这个系列中,他们向世界展示了共享即关心的精神。这个系列展现了Swatch与山姆共同的目标:将不可能化为可能。

In the video, Sam invited his friends, including skier Pat Burgener, surfer Coco Ho, skateboarder Gustavo Ribeiro, and BMX rider Matthias Dandois, to explore each other’s sports, share their passion and skills.

Swatch 與 Sam Pilgrim 合作推出「Sam meets Swatch」影片系列

In addition to skiing, surfing, skateboarding, and BMX riding with these top athletes, Sam also offers mountain biking masterclasses for his friends to experience and learn this sport. This series gives the audience the opportunity to observe these legendary figures from a fresh perspective, seeing how they learn new skills and their passion for their respective sports.

山姆以他幽默友好的形象和大胆的举动而闻名于世,他经常佩戴Swatch手表。在“山姆遇见Swatch”系列中,山姆展示了他对Swatch BIG BOLD系列手表的喜爱,每一集都展示不同的款式。

这个全新的视频系列“Sam meets Swatch”将在山姆的YouTube频道上发布,让观众能够一窥他们如何每天挑战自我,将不可能变成可能。

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