11月 9, 2023

英女皇灵感之作:限量「格兰冠 Devotion」单一麦芽威士忌,历经70载熟成岁月!


对于威士忌爱好者来说,一瓶好的威士忌既是数年至数十年酿造工艺的见证,也是一件艺术品。在陈化的过程中,酒液的品质可能会受到酒厂、气候环境、陈化地点等因素的影响而有所不同,尤其是经过长时间陈化的威士忌更是具有深远的影响,令许多藏家们着迷。来自苏格兰斯佩赛产区的The Glen Grant格兰冠单一麦芽威士忌酒厂,便向藏家们带来了一款极具珍稀的单一麦芽威士忌“格兰冠 Devotion”。

 The Glen Grant

This precious bottle is a whisky that has been aged for 70 years, and it is also the highest vintage whisky from the Glen Crown Distillery until 2023, symbolizing the distillery’s exquisite craftsmanship. Its inspiration comes from the experiences of Queen Elizabeth II during her reign, and it is also a tribute to her 70 years of steadfast service and lifelong dedication.

 The Glen Grant

「格蘭冠 Devotion」70 年陳釀由釀酒大師 Dennis Malcolm 爵士及其團隊、獲獎匠人 John Galvin,以及 GLASSTORM 公司的熱玻璃大師 Brodie Nairn 聯手打造,僅提供 7 瓶手工吹製酒瓶,每支皆是獨一無二的精品。

 The Glen Grant
 The Glen Grant


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