5月 10, 2023


香港生產力促進局 · 中小企支援公布2023年“渣打中小企指數”第四季微升至47.6  同日舉辦“中小企智囊論壇”洞悉粵港澳大灣區的市場和商機

Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises showed slight development momentum in the fourth quarter of 2023. According to the latest released “Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index,” the index rose slightly to 47.6, reflecting the cautious optimism of Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises towards the current market environment. Among the sub-indices, especially the profitability performance and business conditions, showed positive growth signs. However, the uncertainty of the global economy remains the main challenge faced by businesses.

香港特別行政區政府商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺先生, JP(中)、生產力局主席陳祖恒議員(左)及渣打銀行大灣區行政總裁林遠棟先生(右)為中小企智囊論壇2023《創新聚能 共攜灣區中小企互利共贏》主禮。
香港特别行政区政府商务及经济发展局局长丘应桦先生,JP(中)、生产力局主席陈祖恒议员(左)及渣打银行大湾区行政总裁林远棟先生(右)为中小企智囊论坛2023《创新聚能 共携湾区中小企互利共赢》主礼。

This survey also shows that Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises remain steady in terms of investment, with the majority of businesses planning to maintain or increase their investments, especially in e-commerce and digital technology training. Additionally, there is some relief in the expected pressure on raw material costs and employee salaries for Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises, which may help alleviate the rise in business costs.

Standard Chartered Bank’s experts believe that although the index is still below the neutral level, this reflects the resilience of Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises in the face of external challenges. In addition, the government has proposed a series of measures in the latest policy address, such as establishing a dedicated task force for the development of e-commerce and organizing the Hong Kong Shopping Festival. These initiatives are expected to further support the development of Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises.




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