4月 13, 2023

Walt Disney与Leica大有渊源,双方推出联乘Q2特别限量版相机。


Leica has always been committed to the development of precision optical instruments, and Walt Disney has also been involved in animation film production for a hundred years. To talk about the origins of the two, it can be traced back to the birth of animation. Disney Studios began using Leica (then Leitz) cameras and projectors to create complex animation storyboards. To commemorate Disney’s 100th anniversary, the two parties have recently launched a collaborative project, bringing the “Wonderful Hundred Years, Adventures with You” special edition camera.


Leica Q2 特别版相机的设计灵感来自于1937年由Walt Disney公司著名动画师Don Towsley所创作的动画模型手绘版。机身正面图案竖条状铺满,非常引人注目;观景器对上的机顶位置则印有米奇图案,机背屏幕左上角刻有”Disney”字样,右上角刻有限量版编号。此外,还随机附赠一个印有原版图案的特别版防尘袋和一条特别版相机带,极具收藏价值。

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