8月 15, 2022

古天乐的护肤神器!Guerlain 殿级蜂皇系列,升级版再生修护双效精华双重发挥塑颜功效



He has always liked to use Guerlain’s skincare products. The brand’s newly launched palace-level upgraded version of the Double Repair Serum injects white bee honey essence into the new formula, combining exfoliating ingredients such as fruit acids (AHA) and multiple fruit acids (PHA). Through new technology to enhance the natural properties of honey, as well as honey bio-polyfermentation, it can repair dry skin, effectively reduce fine lines with long-term use, even out skin tone, and keep the skin smooth. 他向来喜欢使用 Guerlain 的护肤品,品牌新推出的殿级蜂皇升级版再生修护双效精华,在新配方中注入白蜂蜜精萃,结合焕肤成分果酸(AHA)及多重果酸(PHA),并通过新科技增大蜂蜜的天然特性,以及蜂蜜生物聚发酵(bio-polyfermentation),可修护干燥肌肤,长期使用有效减少细纹,均匀肤色,令肌肤保持光滑。

此外,Guerlain 再次邀请古天乐担任品牌香港区护肤大使,拍摄新一辑的宣传广告造型照和短片”The Best Duo x Louis Koo”。这次,古天乐以白马男神造型示人,在镜头前精神奕奕,皮肤健康饱满,在全白色的装束衬托下,更显古铜肌肤的魅力。

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