January 28, 2022

Thom Browne has confirmed the postponement of the Fall 2022 show until the end of April, but the reason is because of “him”?

With Omicron raging in Europe since last winter, many brands and designers have made corresponding adjustments to their new season releases, including Thom Browne, who announced a return to New York this season.

American designer and formalwear genius Thom Browne recently announced that the 2022 fall fashion show in New York will be postponed until April 29th, and will be presented in a simultaneous release of men’s and women’s wear, with the location still to be determined. It is reported that due to the impact of Omicron on freight logistics, Thom Browne has decided to postpone the 2022 fall show. On the other hand, returning to New York once again, he also wants to provide support for the second part of the “In America: A Lexicon of Fashion” exhibition opening on May 5th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, and hopes to delay the new season’s release so that he can support his partner and exhibition curator, Andrew Bolton.

“This is a deliberate decision I made to make the presentation closer to his (Andrew Bolton) exhibition opening; since the first season opened in September last year, this has been the most powerful way to let the world understand American fashion.” Thom Browne shared: “I also want to celebrate the initiative of the ‘American Fashion Week Schedule’ created by the Council of American Fashion Designers, a powerful move by Steven (Kolb) and Tom (Ford) to celebrate American fashion around the world. Whenever and wherever you showcase, if you are an American designer, you represent American fashion and play a role in the schedule.”

Thom Browne continues to share: “It ensures that everyone is doing the right thing for their business and themselves, rather than feeling pressured. Most importantly, when you’re ready, the creativity, quality, and level of what you present is there. American fashion is about looking at things from an individual perspective – that’s what Andrew (Bolton) really wants to showcase, America has a unique and youthful energy.” Finally, Thom Browne announced that he will preview his next collection through a “special project” that will debut online during New York Fashion Week, while still planning to return to Paris.

資料及圖片來源:Web Photo

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