今年圣诞节有很多迪士尼角色的拍照点,其中包括旺角MOKO新世纪广场的“Duffy and Friends: A Journey to Christmas Town”,有Duffy和他的朋友LinaBell、ShellieMay、Gelatoni、StellaLou、CookieAnn、’Olu Mel等受欢迎的角色!
打卡位包括 5.8 米高的 LinaBell 圣诞树屋,树上系上巨型粉红色蝴蝶结及闪亮灯饰,底座环绕着缤纷礼盒,而圣诞树下有充满欧陆风情的木系小屋,走进其中,便会见到大型 LinaBell 毛公仔坐于壁炉旁的梳化之上!
Duffy and ShellieMay’s theme cottage is mainly in a dazzling golden color, with StellaLou’s theme cottage in a lavender purple color, and Gelatoni’s art studio in a soft green color. Walking through the Christmas Starry Town, there is also a 6-meter-high “Wonderful Dream Castle” installation, with the entire castle painted in a dazzling pink and gold color!
地点:MOKO MTR楼层中庭及L1楼层走廊