放假最好就是约闺蜜去打卡!除了到 café 叹咖啡及美食之外,亦可以来一趟粉红色主题的 Staycation!位于黄竹坑的 The Arca(雅格酒店)近日联同 Benefit Cosmetics 推出「WANDERful World Staycation」主题客房,最适合与好姊妹来个 Girls’ Night!
以 Benefit 最新推出的「WANDERful World 浪遊心跳胭脂蜜粉系列」為靈感,將 The Arca 的海景客房變成花俏可愛風格,房內細節亦換上 Benefit 的經典粉紅色!
除了打卡之外,入住主题房客的住客可免费借用桌上游戏,同时可于 Arca Society 享用台湾芒果下午茶盛宴配意大利气泡酒,以及享用双人早餐。
Additionally, guests can receive the Benefit WANDERful World summer sweet makeup set, including two boxes of the latest blush powder (mini size) and a variety of signature beauty products (valued at HK$1,100), allowing you to change makeup with your best girlfriends!
Benefit Cosmetics X the Arca「WANDERful World Staycation」
价格:每晚 HK$1700 起
地址:黄竹坑香叶道 43 号 the Arca
电话:3701 6000