7月 22, 2020


温室效应、污染的问题日趋严重,因此环保绝对是刻不容缓的一环!为了唤起大家对海洋生态的关注,位于澳大利亚昆士兰东部汤斯维尔的海底艺术博物馆(Museum of Underwater Art, MOUA),特意找来英国雕塑家Jason deCaires Taylor合作,展示两项艺术作品,从而带出环保这个重要议题。

These two works that blend art and environmental themes are “Coral Greenhouse” and “Ocean Siren.” “Coral Greenhouse” is located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. It is made of stainless steel and concrete, using materials with a neutral pH value to create a “submarine greenhouse” weighing about 165 tons, allowing coral and other underwater plants to grow naturally.

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“The Coral Greenhouse” is an art piece submerged underwater, while another piece, “Ocean Alarm,” stands above the water’s surface! “Ocean Alarm” is about 4 meters tall, shaped like a Statue of Liberty, with one hand holding up a shell, urging everyone to pay attention to marine ecology. Additionally, this art piece is equipped with 202 LED lights, all powered by solar panels. The lights change color according to the temperature of the seawater, emitting blue, yellow, orange, red, and other colors. When all the LED lights on “Ocean Alarm” turn red, it means the ocean has reached its highest temperature, prompting reflection on the impact of climate change on the marine environment and natural ecology. “珊瑚温室”是沉于海底的艺术作品,而另一项作品“海洋警报”则“站立”于水面之上!“海洋警报”约有4公尺高,外形有如一位自由女神,她的其中一只手高举起贝壳,呼吁大家关注海洋生态。此外,这项艺术作品亦备有202颗LED灯,它们均以太阳能面板供电,而灯光会随着海水温度的高低而改变,发出蓝、黄、橙、红等颜色。当“海洋警报”的LED灯全部变成红色时,便代表海洋已达到最高温度,让大家反思气候变暖对海洋环境及自然生态所带来的影响。

Jason deCaires Taylor 的两项艺术作品不但展现设计美感,亦提醒着我们要关注生态问题,多在日常生活中实践环保,不要让宝贵的自然环境付上沉重的代价。

图片来源:Jason deCaires Taylor,MOUA – 水下艺术博物馆 @facebook,underwatersculpture.com

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