
Hello, welcome to Ocean Park! We have 6 terrifying haunted houses for you to experience! From the spooky “Haunted School” scene to the thrilling “Ghost Spectacular” and the hellish beauty pageant, there’s something for everyone!

Ocean Park presents “Hello Feast 2023” with the theme of “Haunted School” this year! Six terrifying haunted houses will be open on designated days, with three located in the Waterfront Park and the other three in the Summit Park.


The first stop of the journey is “Haunted School”, where a unfortunate female student experienced a terrifying campus bullying incident. From the basketball court, the dilapidated school auditorium, the dark corridors to various horrifying classrooms, it is all hair-raising! “Haunted Realm” further reveals the bullying incident, opening the door to hell. In “Hell”, there are passages filled with sharp blades, while also being covered in broken mirrors!

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