
Miffy heals! Pure white minimalist style Miffy themed restaurant lands in Kobe, Japan!

How much longer will we be trapped by the epidemic? We always want to travel abroad, but unfortunately, the restrictions on entry and exit have not been lifted yet. If you want to travel, you can only rely on your imagination and take a fantasy trip through images. Want to visit the latest coffee shop in Japan? It’s time to go to the newly opened Miffy-themed Café in Kobe in July!


This Miffy themed restaurant is named after Miffy’s creator, Dick Bruna, called “Dick Bruna TABLE“, located across from Daimaru Department Store in Motomachi, Kobe. The restaurant has 4 floors, each with a different theme. The 1st floor offers take-out meals, serving Miffy coffee and light snacks. The coffee cups and take-out boxes are all in the shape of Miffy’s head, very cute!

The second floor is a coffee shop and themed store, with Miffy’s figure everywhere as you go up the stairs, cute and artistic, embellishing the entire minimalist dining space.

The third floor is the bar area, with a dining environment that is equally comfortable. The fourth floor is the VIP area and activity room, decorated with Miffy-themed chandeliers and mirrors. The dining space even has Miffy dolls “accompanying” you, fully integrating Miffy’s healing power into your life to relieve your life’s stress.

In addition to being surrounded by Miffy in the dining environment, the meals also have plenty of Miffy elements! The savory dishes are mainly exquisite Western-style light meals, and desserts such as cheesecake and chocolate brownie are shaped like Miffy. Even the coffee sugar is in the shape of a three-dimensional Miffy, the cute appearance has already made you feel sweet in your heart! Do you really want to check in at this Miffy-themed restaurant that will make your girly heart burst? Add it to your next travel itinerary, even if you don’t know when you can go again!

Dick Bruna TABLE
電話:+81 78-333-3332

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