
“Natural lighting and minimalist architecture, the perfectly beautiful small guesthouse ‘Seventh Living’ on Little Liuqiu Island.”

The epidemic is starting to become unstable again, everyone’s activities are once again restricted, and the days of traveling seem to be far away. At this stage, introducing travel destinations and accommodations seems to have little meaning. However, everything should be approached with a positive attitude. The epidemic will come to an end one day, so for now, let’s temporarily save our favorite destinations and “be prepared for the future.” When we can travel again, planning our itinerary will be easier!

Many Hong Kong people may choose Taiwan as their first travel destination after the “unsealing”. Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung and other places may have been visited many times by everyone. You may consider visiting the beautiful coral island located southwest of Donggang Township in Pingtung County – Xiao Liuqiu! Xiao Liuqiu has extremely beautiful natural landscapes and ecological environment, coupled with the picturesque sea view, making it a popular destination for many Taiwanese people’s “domestic travel”. Not only is Xiao Liuqiu itself very attractive, but many of the local accommodations are also very unique. Next, let me introduce you to one of the hidden gems in the bustling area of Xiao Liuqiu – “七分 Seventh Living”.

“Seventh Living” uses gray water as the main axis, coupled with a long and narrow architectural structure, giving it a slightly old-fashioned flavor. Located in the bustling area, if you are not careful, you might easily overlook it. In terms of lighting, it cleverly takes advantage of the geographical advantages of Xiao Liuqiu, using three floor-to-ceiling windows to fully capture the natural sunlight of the island, omitting the need for other lighting designs. Guests staying here can be awakened by the fresh sunlight every day and welcome a brand new day, feeling so wonderful!

Although the entire homestay is built with light gray concrete, paired with rough and linear iron frames, exuding a strong industrial style, you can also easily find the fresh and clean atmosphere everywhere. This is because almost every corner is decorated with tender green plants, adding a hint of greenery, making the overall atmosphere not so cold, balancing and complementing each other perfectly.

Another highlight of the homestay is the design of the “transparent sky bridge” located on the second floor, connecting to a display rack at the other end of the “sky bridge”. The rack showcases items handpicked by the owner, which change according to their mood or the season. If you are not afraid of heights, you can walk to the other end to appreciate it carefully, while also being a nice spot for taking photos.

As for each room, they are specially named after “time,” recording every beautiful and memorable moment of Xiao Liuqiu. The rooms are not overly decorated, with just a comfortable soft bed, a sofa, and a coffee table, simple enough to give people a sense of “home.” In the “09:20 PM” room, a moon lamp hangs in the center, abstractly capturing the night sky and bioluminescent sea of Xiao Liuqiu.

Although “Seventh Living” may seem simple and ordinary in design, the truth is that every detail is filled with the owner’s thoughts, which will definitely make every customer linger.

圖片來源: @7thliving , @toppucca , @summer89720 , @z.hannn , @yishan0223 , @kathyitravel

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