6月 28, 2024

意大利人气手切薄饼店进驻中环!抢眼打卡壁画/多款新鲜出炉 Pizza 即点即切

继湾仔店之后,意大利人气手工切薄饼店Alice Pizza最近进驻中环,开设两层楼高的第二间分店!新店更找来本地著名画家皮忠合作,以各式意大利食品、罗马竞技场及香港天星小轮和霓虹灯等元素,为外墙绘上抢眼壁画,带来亮眼打卡点!

Alice Pizza offers a variety of flavors for their thin-crust pizzas, both savory and sweet. The pizzas are sold in rectangular slices, allowing customers to choose the desired amount by weight, making it convenient for solo dining or trying multiple flavors. With over 20 exquisite dishes on the menu, the new store opening introduces 5 new pizza flavors, with most ingredients imported from Italy by air to Hong Kong, ensuring freshness! 爱丽丝比萨提供各种口味的薄饼,既咸又甜。薄饼被切成长方形片售卖,顾客可以按重量选择所需的份量,方便单人用餐或尝试多种口味。菜单上有20多种精致菜品,而这家新店开业时,爱丽丝比萨推出了5种新口味的薄饼,其中大部分食材都是从意大利空运到香港,保证新鲜!


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