1月 9, 2024

尖沙咀新开烧烤主题酒吧餐厅!份量十足斧头扒/任食 Shake Shake 薯条

尖沙咀金巴利广场最近新开酒吧餐厅「404 Not Found」,逾 5,000 平方英尺空间包括开放式酒吧及露天座位,加上桌球台、霓虹灯管、深色桌椅、波西米亚风装饰墙,有英式复古感觉,气氛十足。

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餐厅主打多款炭烧及西餐,”食肉兽”可试试包括牛肉和猪肉的”Beef & Pork Skewers”、炭烧烤黑豚猪扒”Pork Rack”,另有适合3至4人share的斧头扒”USDA Tomahawk”,以自家秘方调味,炭烧至外层微焦,肉质鲜嫩多汁!配上”墨西哥牛肉芝士玉米片”、自家制”劲辣棒棒鸡”、”明太子卡邦尼意大利面”、”玛格拉特薄饼”等英式经典菜肴,份量十足。

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此外,404 Not Found also introduces the Shake Shake fries! Starting at 6 pm, customers can enjoy unlimited servings of Shake Shake fries with the purchase of any main dish. There are 6 flavors to choose from, including seaweed, plum, beef sauce, salted egg yolk crab, cumin spicy, and matcha. The fries are freshly fried and coated with seasoning powder, making them incredibly flavorful. You can choose a different flavor each time and can keep adding more, so all the “french fry lovers” shouldn’t miss out!

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鸡尾酒菜单也有很多选择,例如以绿苹果浸泡的伏特加为基调的”Error 404″、以自家酿制 Bombay Gin 龐貝氈酒混合玫瑰花茶的”HTTP 404″等,最适合 Happy hour!

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404 Not Found

營業時間:星期一至四下午5:30 – 凌晨3點/星期五至六下午5:30 – 凌晨4點/星期日下午5:30 – 凌晨3點/公眾假期前夕下午5:30 – 凌晨4點/燒烤供應時間晚上6點 – 晚上10點
電話:3793 4166 / 9729 3330


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