There are two flavors available, the pink box is chocolate flavor, with two pink cookies sandwiching a chocolate filling, while the black box is strawberry flavor, with two black cookies sandwiching a strawberry filling. The strawberry flavor is especially sweet, as soon as you open the packaging, you can smell the candy-like aroma. If you have both flavors, you can even create a mixed version by sandwiching a black and a pink cookie together to eat.
每个外盒都有其中一位成员的签名,香港并未有售,要买就要去韩国或其他亚洲地区。老老实实买到都未必舍得折盒,不过 OREO 算是细心,每盒内分成两小包曲奇,可以一包吃一包用作收藏,各位 blink 你买到又舍不舍得吃呢?