12月 23, 2022

尖沙咀新开 Tap-and-Go 精品咖啡店!纯素甜点/开业首两周送免费咖啡

上环的咖啡洗衣店 Clean 即将进驻尖沙咀商场 Heath 开第二间分店,带来 Tap-and-Go 秒冲精品咖啡,只需数秒便可制成各款冷热咖啡及无咖啡因饮品,包括招牌燕麦奶咖啡及黑咖啡等,适合繁忙的都市人!


The interior decoration of the store is dominated by soft and delicate colors, and its coffee is brewed with sustainably sourced blended coffee beans. There are also seasonal limited edition single-origin coffees to choose from, and plant-based milk is used instead of cow’s milk. Customers can bring their own reusable cups or purchase disposable recyclable paper cups from vending machines to support environmental protection. In addition to vegan drinks, there are also freshly baked vegan desserts such as scones and cookies.


Clean 尖沙咀店将于2023年1月7日正式营业,开业首两周期间,每天首五位顾客可免费获得咖啡一杯。

营业时间:星期一至日8:00 – 18:00(1月7日开业)

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