6月 20, 2022

姆明主题打卡 Staycation!落地玻璃海景、姆明造型下午茶!

近年大家都以留港 Staycation 取代出国旅行,而各式酒店就纷纷推出不同主题的住宿来吸引大家,而香港愉景湾酒店近日与 Klook 联手,带来姆明主题 Staycation 住宿!


Regarding hotel rooms, there are choices of mountain view, sea view, and full sea view luxury king rooms. Inside the room, you can find Mu Ming-style table lamps, mirror stickers, cushions, shower curtains, and even eye-catching Mu Ming-themed stickers on the floor-to-ceiling windows!

This Staycation package also includes participating in the DIY eco-friendly bag workshop themed after Moomin, a buffet breakfast, and enjoying the “Moomin-themed afternoon tea” at Café bord de Mer & Lounge! A variety of pastries are transformed into cute Moomin shapes and served on a magnificent golden tiered stand, perfect for taking photos!


此外,每房可獲贈主題限定禮品,包括姆明拖鞋、姆明行李牌、姆明旅行用品小袋,以及姆明防蚊貼!有興趣的姆明粉絲們可以於 klook 預訂,價錢人均 HK$989 起!


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