May 7, 2021

Calling all color enthusiasts! The first Pantone lifestyle physical store in Hong Kong has landed at Eslite Spectrum Taikoo Store!

Pantone 生活實體店

The global color authority organization Pantone announces the color of the year every year, and if you want to wear this year’s representative colors “Ultimate Gray” and “Illuminating Yellow,” or incorporate colorful colors into your home, you should visit the recently opened Eslite Pantone lifestyle physical store!

 Pantone 生活實體店
 Pantone 生活實體店

The first Pantone lifestyle physical store in Hong Kong recently landed at Eslite Spectrum in Pacific Place, exclusively managed by the home goods sales platform Issho 46. The store covers an area of ​​approximately 600 square feet, and the interior design follows the Pantone theme, such as the glass exterior of the store using bright colors such as orange, blue, green, and peach pink, which are very eye-catching. Different color Pantone color card design elements can also be seen everywhere in the store.


In-store, you can find a range of rich Pantone color items, including fashionable clothing, towels, slippers, bedding, etc., from bright colors like orange, sky blue, and bright green, to various cool tones like gray, dark green, deep blue, and even pastel colors. In addition to solid color designs, there are also color-block options, such as orange with blue, or combinations like dark gray with light beige, peach pink with bright green, adding a sense of vitality to personal outfits or home decor.


There are also tableware such as bowls, plates, coffee cups, etc., designed with a variety of Pantone color tones and stripes, stylish and simple, which I believe will become the focus on the dining table! For those of you who want to add color and design to your life, why not come to this home lifestyle boutique to find treasures!

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