July 25, 2020

Italian Taste Home Decor: Versace Home Collection

During the past six months of stay-at-home life, even those who didn’t enjoy being at home before have started to appreciate it more and are looking to improve and beautify their living environment to enhance the quality of home life. A perfect home is not only comfortable and clean but also a symbol of the owner’s taste, with each piece of furniture and decoration representing the homeowner’s lifestyle attitude. As a fashion enthusiast, how can you neglect the home environment? Introducing the latest collection from Versace Home, if you want to add a touch of fashion taste to your living space, this is definitely not to be missed!

The new Versace Home collection is suitable for different styles of home decor. The elegant Virtus series, made of precious wood, marble, and leather, is refined and elegant. Each piece is adorned with acanthus leaves pattern, representing Versace’s iconic V metal detail. Subtly handled yet stylish, a fashionable home should have at least one piece of such a well-designed home decor.

The Medusa Carezza series is more suitable for colorful home decor, using the details and contours of the Medusa shape, gold metal decorations, high-quality leather velvet, patterned embossed cushions, completely bringing the brand’s bold and eye-catching unique aesthetics indoors, combined with the series of lighting, making the overall home decor style more consistent. Does this taste of Italian magnificent style home goods match your dream house style?

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