October 20, 2023

Wan Chai check-in restaurant Halloween themed vegetarian food! One night limited party/3 hours of unlimited drinks/festival activities


Halloween is coming, and the Wan Chai Instagrammable restaurant JAJA has transformed with mischievous ghostly decorations, and has introduced a series of Pink-O-Ween themed à la carte dishes and drinks. Additionally, on the evening of October 28th, they will be hosting a pink-themed Halloween dinner party, creating a festive atmosphere!


JAJA brings a pink-themed Halloween dinner party with a 4-course vegetarian menu, including 3 hours of unlimited selected drinks and a self-service dessert area! The evening also features a series of festivities, including Trick-or-Treat candy giveaway, star tarot card reading, special Halloween face painting, DIY slime workshop, and a strange and cute photo area, making the most of the Halloween weekend!

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