April 27, 2023

Popular café in Tai Kok Tsui! Second-generation special thick milk tea / giant original eel / seaweed wooden fish flower egg rice.

Easy Joe

Going to a cafe doesn’t necessarily mean only drinking coffee. In Tai Kok Tsui, a popular spot for many years, Easy Joe has this drink that almost every table orders.

Easy Joe

“The Second Generation Ultra-Rich Thick Chocolate” ($48) is served in a glass bottle, and when poured into a cup, you can already feel its rich texture. With a low sweetness, you can taste the flavor of cocoa, and it has a rich and full-bodied taste. The bottled packaging is very convenient to take away. Matcha lovers also have another option, the “Ultra-Rich Uji Matcha White Chocolate Milk.”

Easy Joe

Another highlight of the check-in food is the “Original Eel Egg Rice” ($158). The eel is huge, longer than a palm, definitely full of meat. The amount of eel sauce is also sufficient, and it is worth appreciating the careful presentation. A large amount of seaweed is added, and plenty of bonito flakes are sprinkled on top, making every bite of rice fresh and fragrant.

Easy Joe

Cafe offers a wide range of food options, from light snacks and desserts to large portions of seafood and grilled main dishes. The walls are adorned with interesting patterns, and the high tables by the windows are filled with sunlight. Every seat is perfect for taking photos.

Easy Joe

Address: Ground Floor, 18 Fuk Chuen Street, Tai Kok Tsui
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 12pm-10pm
Phone: 2506 0638

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