April 19, 2021

VETEMENTS enters the vegetarian world, launching a limited-time vegetarian burger set!

The British fashion brand VETEMENTS, which is popular among fashionistas, seems to have a special fondness for fast food culture. In 2019, they held a fashion show at McDonald’s, and now they are once again related to American fast food!

VETEMENTS recently unveiled a new project on its official IG, collaborating with a Moscow concept shop KM20 to launch a vegetarian burger set called “VETEMENTS BURGER.” The set includes a veggie burger, fries, and soda, bringing everyone a typical sinful fast food delight.

Of course, VETEMENTS also brings a trendy black and white packaging to this set, all made with environmentally friendly materials. By connecting eco-friendly vegetarianism with stylish trends, attracting a large number of trendsetters to support and check in, VETEMENTS’ creative promotion this time has once again successfully sparked discussion.

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