July 13, 2020

Japanese bakery “KYOTO NEKO NEKO” launches limited edition matcha and hojicha flavors! The adorable cat-shaped toast has captured the hearts of cat lovers!

As a cat lover, I never pass up on any products with a cat theme! But if it’s a toast in the shape of a cat, would you be willing to take a bite out of it? The popular Japanese bakery “NEKO NEKO SHOKUPAN” recently teamed up with “NEKO NEKO CHEESECAKE” to open a new store in Kyoto called “KYOTO NEKO NEKO,” offering a new limited edition flavor of cat-shaped toast!

Round face, pointed ears… just these characteristics of the cats have completely captivated us! However, the cat toast from this Japanese bakery is not only cute on the outside, it is also full of “substance”. It uses wheat and honey from Hokkaido, as well as fresh butter and cream. What’s most special is that the shop uses 100% milk instead of water, and also includes soy milk from a tofu shop in Kyoto, creating a soft and warm texture for the cat toast!

Girls’ favorite matcha and hojicha are the new limited edition flavors of “KYOTO NEKO NEKO”, not only permeating with rich tea flavor, but also matcha with black beans, hojicha with white chocolate are respectively spread on the ears of the two cat-shaped toasts, giving the feeling of having cats with different patterns and fur colors, just looking at them gives a healing feeling!

The cute “Matcha Cat” and “Hojicha Cat”, along with the exquisitely designed packaging, are definitely the perfect choice for gifts! In addition, “KYOTO NEKO NEKO” also offers premium Danish toast, bringing a sweet and crispy texture!

For those of you who love eating cake, don’t miss out on the new store’s limited edition cat-flavored cheese cake, which is a soft and smooth cheese cake with black beans, covered in a dark chocolate tart shell. The top layer of the cake is caramelized crispy skin and soybean powder, completely satisfying your dessert cravings! In addition, the new store also offers cheese tarts, sandwich cookies, jam, and other products, whether you want to try new flavors or take photos, it’s worth a visit!

Image source: nekoneko_shokupan, nekoneko_cheesecake @instagram, neko_shoku @twitter

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