November 17, 2020

#XMAS2020: Go out and feel the festive atmosphere! Christmas must-visit 4 special market features.

Christmas is coming in about a month, and more and more information about the festival can be seen on the Internet, such as gift ideas and Christmas dinner recommendations. Of course, during the Christmas holidays, you have to go out and feel the festive atmosphere. In addition to admiring the decorations, you must visit the holiday-themed markets! As always, various districts in Hong Kong have organized many Christmas markets. Here are 4 selected ones for you, some of which have already started, allowing you to celebrate the festival early!


Landmark Atrium is transforming the third floor into a limited-time Christmas hotspot, adorned with Christmas trees, stockings, wreaths, and street lamps, infusing the space with a traditional European Christmas atmosphere, instantly transporting visitors abroad for the holidays. The Christmas market brings together products from various popular brands, including a selection of Christmas gifts from Ralph Lauren, as well as the first-time collaboration with Sttoke BEAR-ista to design a reusable coffee cup.

Additionally, you can also find a variety of special desserts and food in the market, have a sweet Christmas! The British centennial boutique chocolate shop Charbonnel et Walker, beloved by the Queen of England, has opened a physical store in Hong Kong for the first time, and will bring limited edition chocolates to the market; LMO Freshly Baked by Richard Ekkebus, led by Michelin-starred chefs, will change batches of new pastries every hour, filling the market with intoxicating bread fragrance.

地點:中環皇后大道中 15 號置地廣場中庭 308 及 312 – 314 號舖
日期:2020 年 11 月 2 日至 12 月 31 日
時間:11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.


Although Sugar Factory Street is not considered a Christmas-themed market, its duration coincides with Christmas, and its rich content is definitely not inferior. It is definitely worth a visit! Visitors can enjoy and taste a variety of market-exclusive specialty foods and coffees all at once in the market. If interested, they can also have in-depth exchanges with bakers and baristas on the spot, achieving double satisfaction in appetite and content!

One of the highlights not to be missed is, of course, the limited-time Blue Bottle Coffee shop, as well as local award-winning baristas at Knockbox Coffee Company and Even0 Coffee Company. It can be described as a paradise for coffee lovers! In addition, a variety of foods such as tomato chicken omelette rice with homemade stewed beef sauce, lobster burgers, pink Italian gelato, and more are sure to satisfy your cravings!

日期:2020 年 11 月 2 日至27 日及 12 月 1 日至 18 日(星期一至五;公眾假期除外)
時間:8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Leo Square specially created a flat Christmas installation called “漫” Christmas Street for the festival, with a Korean-style hand-painted comic style as the main theme, using black and white lines to construct a very instagrammable flat two-dimensional space. The venue is divided into “漫” Christmas Street, “2D Magic Fashion Store,” and “Magic Fitting Room,” allowing you to feel like you’ve jumped into a dreamy comic world.

As for the market, it brings together various local small shops and independent brand booths, offering everything from jewelry, leather handicrafts, cultural and creative small items to holiday floral arrangements, allowing you to choose your favorites or purchase Christmas gifts for your dear friends and family.

地點:大角咀利得街 11 號利奧坊
日期:2020 年 11 月 6 日至 2021 年 1 月 3 日(「漫」遊聖誕街)
2020 年 12 月 5 日至 12 月 20 日及 12 月 25 日至 12 月 27 日(「漫」悠冬日聖誕市集)
12:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (「漫」悠冬日聖誕市集)


This market can be said to be the most peculiar and unique one in all Christmas markets! The “Eerie Christmas” market, curated by special effects makeup artist Gary Chan, completely subverts the warm and cozy atmosphere traditionally associated with Christmas, using dark and eerie elements as its main focus to explore different aspects of the holiday. The venue will be decorated with a creepy Christmas theme, creating a mysterious and eerie atmosphere, allowing everyone to experience a different Christmas. The market will sell handmade items and religious products with a ghostly and eerie theme, as well as offering food with terrifying designs. Most notably, the market will also have booths for fortune-telling and divination. Don’t miss this market if you enjoy authentic ghostly divination culture or if you’re interested in fortune-telling!

地點:銅鑼灣糖街 2 – 8 號 1 樓
日期:2020 年 12 月 18 日至 20 日及 24 日至 27 日
時間:2:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

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