5月 31, 2022

应该穿什么看展览?Love, Bonito 为你提供时尚又气质的搭配灵感


香港街头弥漫浓厚艺术气息,除了刚刚落幕的 Art Basel 和 Art Central 大型艺术展览,「法国五月」一连串活动亦开始进行,这段时期,不同展览、表演节目等纷纷推出,让大家以不同方式亲近艺术。想以时尚造型呼应艺术月,大家不妨从主打亲民价格及高品质感的网店 Love, Bonito 中,找出气质品味的搭配灵感。 

品牌最新推出的春夏系列,带来了多款不同类型及色调的单品,方便搭配不同的 #OOTD 时尚造型。其中既有极简易搭配的黑、白服饰,也有季度大热的 Pastel 色系选择,像是粉红色、薰衣草色和淡蓝色等,不仅让人看起来甜美,也适合衬托亚洲人肤色,特别显白。


In addition, the brand also takes care of the needs of expectant mothers, launching the comfortable and stylish Embrace maternity series. In response to the various discomforts that pregnant women may experience due to changes in their bodies during pregnancy, the new series specifically uses soft silk, lightweight plain cotton fabric, breathable linen fabric, and high-stretch knitted fabrics to create garments that are gentle on the skin and non-irritating. The hope is that expectant mothers will not feel burdened by their clothing choices and can comfortably stroll through art exhibitions with their little ones in their bellies! 此外,品牌还考虑到准妈妈的需求,推出了舒适时尚的Embrace孕妇系列。针对孕妇在怀孕期间可能因身体变化而引起的各种不适,新系列特别采用柔软的丝绸、轻薄的平纹棉布、透气的亚麻布和高弹力针织面料等面料制作,亲肤不刺激。希望准妈妈们不会因为服装选择而增加负担,舒适地与肚中宝贝一同逛艺术展!

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