7月 3, 2024

Dior 2025 秋冬时装秀:与 Jisoo 一同见证时尚和竞技精神新结合


Dior 2024 – 2025 高级定制时装秋冬系列近日在巴黎盛大揭幕,BLACKPINK 成员 Jisoo 以一身Dior 最新秋冬时装优雅造型亮相,成为全场焦点。该系列由创意总监 Maria Grazia Chiuri 精心设计,灵感来自即将到来的巴黎奥运,将竞技精神融入高级时装中。

This time at the fashion show, in tribute to athletes who have overcome prejudice and obstacles, showcased the flexibility and strength of the female body. Boldly using non-traditional plain weave fabrics for high fashion, soft and simple ruffled lace decorations, and incorporating gold, silver, and white metallic mesh fabric, along with ultra-lightweight tight-fitting bra designs, creating extremely visually impactful silhouettes. The cascading visual effects are particularly prominent, including silk jumpsuits with embellished embroidery, pleated silk floral skirts, and more, each piece exudes the confident power of women to break free from societal prejudices and achieve sartorial freedom.

Maria Grazia Chiuri在本次时装展中,将高级时装与运动服饰、经典与叛逆、集体能量与女性身体的政治价值巧妙融合。她强调了女性身体的美感与政治价值,通过这场时装展,展示她对女性魅力的重塑和再现。

Jisoo、刘雨茵、Laetitia Casta、Doja Cat等来自各个国籍的魅力女星到场不仅为展览增添了星光,更突显了这次时装展的主题——女性的坚韧与优雅。

从这里可以看出,Dior2025秋冬时装展不仅仅是对服装设计的突破,更是对女性力量的礼赞。每一件作品都充满了对女性的深厚情感,彰显了女性在现代社会中的重要地位。Maria Grazia Chiuri以其独特的视角和创意,令这场时装展充分地展现出女性刚柔并济的优雅格调,时尚与竞技精神的碰撞。难怪此次展览一触即发,引起众人的热议与反思。

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