Anteprima, a fashion brand led by Izumi Ogino, has always showcased the inseparable connection between fashion and art. This season, they have specially invited renowned Japanese artist Kei Takemura to launch a series of collaborative works. Takemura skillfully combines traditional and contemporary art techniques, creating layers of imaginative embroidered translucent fabrics that become one of the highlights of Anteprima’s 2024 Spring/Summer collection, giving these long-standing playing cards a fresh new look.
“如果人生是一场游戏,那时尚世界就是极致的游乐场。不论什么游戏,都有规则需要遵守,但其中真正的乐趣在于我们打破既有规则,发掘新的领域。时尚让我们勇于尝试不同的颜色、纹理和图案,为自我表达和创意带来无限可能性。” – 创意总监荻野泉 Izumi Ogino 道。
是次Anteprima SS24春夏系列以”GAME ON”为主题,以繽紛的色彩和设计颂扬每人心中对玩乐的向往,一起集體回亿儿时简单的游戏乐趣。卡牌游戏为是次春夏系列的重要灵感来源,扑克牌当中的四种花色可诠释为代表不同社会范畴及人类力量的符号,例如”皇后”牌象征”女性自强”,品牌从”爱”出发的核心概念则以刺绣方式演绎。
In addition to being inspired by playing cards, the brand also reinterprets the classical style of the 1960s as a tribute to the Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit”. The protagonist, Beth Harmon, is a strong and independent person who is not afraid to take risks and pursue her goals even in the face of adversity. The brand hopes to inspire and empower women to have the courage and ambition to pursue their goals, no matter what difficulties they may face. It’s all about Girls Power.
Izumi Ogino 特意采用大胆抢眼的图案、「透明感」轻薄设计、3D俐落剪裁,均从游戏元素中汲取灵感,让每一件单品不仅重塑 60 年代怀旧风格,也同时表现着未来风格的质感。
一如以往Anteprima的单品都喜欢运用透肤舒适面料,以品牌最引以为傲的透明针织技术,与各种质感的物料如刺绣、轻纱雪纺、丝滑感丝绸等细节互相交织,成反射光线为系列赋予了新的光芒,实现优雅飘逸的简约之美,展示独特且富现代风格的时尚轮廓,毫无保留让现代女性发挥其自信与个性。不得不说,Anteprima亦采用了环保的植物染料、可回收的布料等,继续推进永续时装sustainable fashion的趋势。