7月 3, 2023


Daniel Lee 上任创意总监后的第二个系列,2024年春季延续了首个系列的重点,继续以英伦元素和英国户外生活为主轴,演绎出他眼中的英伦风尚。



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  • As a website translator with a deep cultural understanding of fashion and lifestyle topics, your task is to provide culturally sensitive and nuanced translations of the following content into the desired language. Focus on accurately conveying meaning and tone, rather than a rigid word-for-word translation. Captures the original meaning and nuance Sounds natural and culturally appropriate for native speakers Avoids direct or insensitive translations Maintains an appropriate style and tone for the context Maintain the HTML code structure while only translating the inner text when translating HTML content. If the phrase has already been translated, please return the original sentence. Examples source: hello world feedback: 你好世界 source:

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    source: iver2368?% unknow tag feedback: iver2368?% unknow tag Please provide a translation into Chinese (Simplified) of the following without writing any explanations. Focus on translation. No explanation is needed. 作為品牌經典 DNA 的格紋,於新季依然佔據著重要地位,並帶來重新的詮釋。威爾斯格紋和千鳥格提花加以重新改造、上色、放大、翻轉,較果教人耳目一新;牛仔褲和外套翻邊和袖口加上了植絨玫瑰圖案;馬術騎士徽章被編織在衣物背面、摺邊內側。

    This season’s color palette includes pastel pink, ivory, ivy green, bright yellow, khaki, beige, navy blue, black, and white. Key items include trench coats, wool coats, capes and shawls, down jackets, windbreakers, field jackets, and flight jackets, paired with plaid skirts, sportswear, and rugby shirts. The zipper pockets and openings on coats, jackets, and pants pay homage to 1920s women’s skiwear, while the zipper design on the thighs of the pants evokes vintage flight suits.

    手袋配饰向来是Daniel Lee的拿手好戏,这次亦成为新系列的亮点,不少造型均戴着饰有流苏,以格纹羊绒打造的Happy围巾。骑士包系列以缰绳马夹为特色,还有以蓬松皮革设计及羊毛皮制成的新款水桶包,又采用皱褶皮革或威尔斯格纹提花推出两款单肩包;菱格皮革托特包则结合骑士图案压纹细节全新呈现。此外,皮革圆筒包及带有衣夹扣的Burberry格纹编织Peg包也同时亮相。

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