4月 21, 2023

藝術文化結合法式風尚!直擊agnès b. 台南府城2023春夏時裝秀

主打极简风格的法国品牌 agnès b. ,近日特别选址最具历史文化特色的台南府城,于台南美术馆二馆南美春室发布 2023春夏服装系列。

这次举行时装大秀的台南美术馆二馆,特意未使用多余的灯光效果与装置,仅以少量投射光去营造秀场氛围,简洁明亮的白色空间,加上于玻璃屋顶上散射的午后阳光,营造出自然惬意的氛围,正好呼应着品牌的简约风格与春夏新装的特色,并将经典 Photoprints 系列、印花系列衬托得活力十足!

agnès b. has always been resistant to following trends and is committed to environmental and artistic development. This season, the brand once again presents its unique self-expression, drawing inspiration from rock music, 1960s pin-up girls, and street fashion. Multiple photographs taken by the brand’s founder, Agnès, have been transformed into photoprint patterns, bringing travel scenery into fashion. Additionally, the brand has collaborated with Filipino artist Dexter Fernandez to incorporate his humorous graffiti characters into the clothing, creating bold and eye-catching visual impressions.

充满摇滚特色的红玫瑰印花、短版Biker Jacket等,展现狂放精神。春夏系列亦带来不少充满度假氛围的设计,饱和明亮的多彩色块与条纹组合,清爽的露肩上衣与小短裤、舒适易搭的连身裙;经典工装系列则以渐层渲染效果、棋盘格纹等带来新演绎。整个系列通过融合现代艺术创作,并以更年轻、更活力的线条轮廓作呈现,打造出多元风格,同时彰显品牌别具一格的法式优雅格调!

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